
2000 AD is a weekly science fiction comic magazine published by Rebellion. The comics include many recognizable characters such as Judge Dredd, Slaine, Nemesis the Warlock, and Rogue Trooper. 
I've worked on the majority of the marketing content for this franchise, mostly filming and editing the weekly published 2000AD ABC series and Thrillcast (podcast) which has been a lot of fun!

  • 100,000+ Views Across YouTube & Social Channels

  • Age Rating - Mature

My Work

2000AD ABC: Black Atlantic

Roles: Camera Operation, Lighting

2000AD ABC: Bison

Roles: Camera Operation, Lighting

2000AD ABC: Bella Bagley

Roles: Camera Operation, Lighting

2000AD Thrillcast

Roles: Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Audio Mixing

2000AD Thrillcast 

Roles: Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Audio Mixing

2000AD Thrillcast 

Roles: Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Audio Mixing

45 Year Anniversary: Day One

Roles: Camera Operation, Lighting, Video Editing, Motion Graphics, Audio Mixing